Tuesday 16 February 2010

Its working!!

Tis half term week so Mary is not attending her usual schooling sessions.
I think she is getting a little bored.
After lunch today she was sat on my knee and I thought to try some of her speech and language games.
I had not had much luck previously but tried.
She did all her games very well concentrating hard and making some of the sounds.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa for aeroplane
Putting her finger to her lips for the SHShshshsh
Weeeeeeeee for the slide
Trying mooo for the cow

Then for the match the syllable sounds Baaaaa Vs woof woof and Mooo vs Quack Quack she matched the pictures
To my vocalisations and tried copyint them.
We even gave her matching pairs game a go and talked about the pictures. The socks go with the feet, hands with gloves, knife with fork and of course hiar and brush.
She is so clever and brilliant. Still not wearing her ears all the time and still a monkey but beautiful.