Wednesday 29 September 2010

Wow what was that....

These past coupls of weeks really Mary's speech has really come on. I am very impressed not so much with the sounds she is making but the fact she is now making the effort to produce sounds. She will make a good stab at most words I ask her to say. For example when she wants butter on her bread instead of cheese I will ask her to say butter. It comes out "uu-uuh". I can get her to say the "B" but she still struggles with blending sounds. Still as I said she is trying. Eveyday things become clearer. And now that she is tuned into words she will learn quickly and improve quickly.

Last Thursday she was being a bit of a pickle. What else?! She had been climbing in a den we had made and lost her ears. One of the other kids found "Flower" but even after tidying up all the blankets and cushions we could not find Bird. Mary by this point was sat at the table wearing Flower and so I asked her verbally where Bird was. She clear as day said "Don't know!" Was totally fabulous.

Tonight she was lying in bed, without ears, and we were having a bit of a play and a chat. Then she signals for me to put my ear near her mouth. She whispered into my ear. Was so funny. I whispered into her ear tickling it. She thought that was hilarious. She definitley got a sense of humour. She will also say words without her ears.

awa (like a cockney Water)- water
oth- cloth
eeeeese- please
oa (oh)- toast
dont know
mama- mummy
taata - Katy
at- cat
ater- grater
go- go
ee veeee- TV