Monday 21 June 2010

Big Girl Turn 4

Should have done this a week ago but well....

Mary Turned 4 on the 15 June. We had a big party in the hosue with 15 children in total in attendance. Mostly just a disco type affair, musical bumps and statues, make a sword or a crown, pass the parcel, a little picnic and lots of noise. Mary had a fabulous time. There was one minor strop when midway throught the party she wanted the TV one. But well what is a party without the strop. Looking at all the children you would not have picked Mary out. She had 2 of her Deaf friends in attendance too. They all mixed in and the other children were al happy to play.

Washing Machines and Cars

Yesterday, One of the most important dates in the calendar for the Shaw family, namely the birthday of Big Sister Katy, we were getting ready to go to Daddy's house. I was putting washing in the machine and Mary was helping. Then I notice she is making the "pshhhttttt" sound exactly as the water sounds when it first enters the machine. Her copying sounds is really coming on.

Once the washing had been sorted I then proceeded to get the girls and all their things ready. Mary kept insisting we were going by bike. I have purchased her a tagalong for my bike which she thinks is absolutely fabulous. So we have to cycle everywhere. Alas though Daddy's house is about 2 miles away and I have not yet plucked up the courage to do more than the school run and to the local shop. Not to mention Katy would have a epileptic fit if i suggested cycling so far and where would we put all the stuff! So as I was putting Mary's shoes on, she is avidly signing "bicycle" I say to her "No we are going in the car. The car." Pleasee note My hands were busy and so I was talking. I was also talking down not looking at her face. She immediately signs "car". So she heard and understood and showed she understood. Well done Mary. Then when we get in the car particularly if she is in the front she makes all the actions as if switching on and driving the car and the "rmmmmmm" noise of the engine.

Another step forward is that now we say "Shoooos offfff" whenever we come in the house and I ask all the kids to take their shoes and coats off. Mary thinks it is sufficient to say this and stick her foot up at me. But we are making progress. She does take her "shooooos offf" when the mood takes her.


Pssssshhhhhhtttt - water noise going into washing machine
Rmmmmmmmm - car
Shhhoooos offff - Shoes off