Thursday 11 March 2010


I must record this cos it is so fab. I have been working on the first letter sounds of words of things Mary is really interested in. She had been watching and trying to copy. Well one thing she lilked was "B" so Banana got the full treatment and now she says "Bababa" or somtimes the "n" comes in and she says "Banaba". So fab.

New spoken word
Banana _ "Babana"

Other words

Monday 1 March 2010

Booo (k) Please!

Last Wednesday evening 24 February 2010, I was rushing out to sign class and my good friend was babysitting the two girls. For ease of my friend's life I thought to put Mary in bed for her. She can be a monkey at bedtime. I laid mary on her bed covered her up. gave her some milk. When she finished her milk I waved bye and made to go. She signed to me "book" and said "Booo plea". What could I do? My clever girl had asked for using voice and sign for a book. So I read her a story. Made me late for sign but well Mary is so clever and needs her rewards when she asks for things so nicely.

New Words:
Booo - Book.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

This really should have been two posts but I forgot!
A few nights ago I was signing Mary's favourite lullaby "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" she joined in with both the signs and vocalisations and we had a lovely time.

Then last night she went to bed with her processors still on. After her milk she turned over and faced her wall. I thought while she could hear I would sing Twinkle Twinkle to her which I did. No signing and Mary was facing the wrong way in the dark. After the first couple of lines Mary turned to me and did the "Twinkle Twinkle" signs for the start of the song. I was so proud. Not only did she hear me but she understood the sound and showed me that she had understood. She then turned back. I finished the song and left her to go to sleep. Wow!

Alphabet Ice Cream

Mary's new favourite book is Alphabet Ice cream. This is a very simple and easy to see alphabet book. The inside of the fron cover has the two characters Sue and Nick waving, Mary likes to wave back. We have then gone through the alphabet signing the letters and the pictures and saying the words and sounds. She has really enjoyed it. Has been her half term book. And I have ordered the other books in the series from the library as mary has been pointing at their pictures on the back cover. The last word in the book is a big ZOOM!! and I have to use my hand th hold Mary's finger and trace over the letters including the !! at the end. I get in trouble if we dont trace the !! at the end. So nice she is enjoying her books.