Tuesday 23 June 2009

The terrible twos

Ok I know she turned three a weekk ago but she has just hit the terrible twos. Was pretty easy going until then. Now everything is wrong and she regularly throws herself on the floor screaming. I am pretty certain that she fully understands what we are telling her and that it is just her protesting that she does not like what we said/signed.

Her sign of the week is Rabbit. She waves her two hands on top of her head like rabbit ears. Should be just fore finger and middle finger together as thin ears. Also walk fingers come out quite a lot as she is trying to walk everywhere. Not always at appropriate speeds hence the stropping when I try and put her back in the pram.

Her receptive skills are greatly improving and she understands me whne I tell her to get back in her big girl chair. She has the option of that or back in the baby seat at meal time. She does climb back into her seat.

Sounds are coming on and she is babbling wonderfully. Likes holding her hands over throats, including the dogs.

Getting slightly better at watching signing and lips. Still a little individual and has her own rules. We will get there I am sure.

Thursday 18 June 2009

Barbie horse

Mary just asked for Barbie horse which is her favourite film Barbie pegasus. So cool. First spontaneous two sign string i recall.

Monday 15 June 2009

She is three today!!!

Birthday Girl blown out the Candles.
I really should be organised and add a photo of her and her cake. We had a lovely party yesterday and I think she understood that it was her turn with the cake and candles. She was lovely. She got a bike for her birthday and has a little trouble peddling. It will come I am sure.

At bed time she was telling me a story of her day. I thin kit was about her bike, not quite sure. Will be wonderful when I do understand her.

She is listening more and babbling with a bigger range of sounds. She still does not pay much attention but she is having fun in life.

OOOPs Loads to add

Sorry have been a bit lax over the past while have a few things to add in....

Weekend of 24-26 May, Sun -Tue, We went up to Bradford to see my biological family again. Was lovely and the first time they had all met Mary. I was very touched by how much effort they had gone to to learn some sign language. Cousin Chloe was marvelous she spelled her name very well. Mary thoroughly enjoyed her time. All week that week everthign was funny (Hold your open hand under your chin and shake it up and down like a jaw moving.)

2 June 2009
Playing with the boy I childmind. On the way home from preschool we play a game of Ready Steady Go. The boy waits and then runs ahead on the "Go". Mary wanted to walk and was playing the game. She learnt about the waiting and would run ahead on the Go. She has been signing and saying "oH"and flicking her finger forward.

This day she was out of the pram and really getting into the spirit of things. She came up to me and was actually saying "Beebe beeebeb Oh" Definitely trying herr best to say the "Ready Steady Go". I tried caputring this on camera but she went silent as soon as the camera came out.

New words:-

Ready Steady Go - Beebe beeebeb Oh