Tuesday 23 June 2009

The terrible twos

Ok I know she turned three a weekk ago but she has just hit the terrible twos. Was pretty easy going until then. Now everything is wrong and she regularly throws herself on the floor screaming. I am pretty certain that she fully understands what we are telling her and that it is just her protesting that she does not like what we said/signed.

Her sign of the week is Rabbit. She waves her two hands on top of her head like rabbit ears. Should be just fore finger and middle finger together as thin ears. Also walk fingers come out quite a lot as she is trying to walk everywhere. Not always at appropriate speeds hence the stropping when I try and put her back in the pram.

Her receptive skills are greatly improving and she understands me whne I tell her to get back in her big girl chair. She has the option of that or back in the baby seat at meal time. She does climb back into her seat.

Sounds are coming on and she is babbling wonderfully. Likes holding her hands over throats, including the dogs.

Getting slightly better at watching signing and lips. Still a little individual and has her own rules. We will get there I am sure.

1 comment:

  1. This blog ALWAYS makes me smile!! Mary is such a wonderful, funny character, I love her so much. Well done both of you!! :D
