Monday 27 April 2009

HICCUPS - toddler group

We attend a special toddler group on alternate Mondays for Hearing and Visually Impaired children. It is called Hiccups which stands for Hearing Impaired Children Coming up to Primary School. It started out with the HI children and we have since melded with the VI children. It is very interesting to find out the different challenges those children and their families have.

Back to Mary, our Deaf adult friend Gavin was there and Mary spent a lot of time watching his signing. She also wore her ears very well even in the noisy environment. It was so great to see her mixing with the other children. Brilliant day. Then after Hiccups we went to our new friends house. Mum is lovely, her daughter is only 5 months and HI and VI. Be wonderful to watch how she develops. Mary found that her big sister had a rocking horse and merrily signed horse. Then after being on the horse for a while signed up and off. She was tired but is starting to sign such a lot. What a clever girl.

After a bad weekend with the ears Mary wore her ears very well today and I noticed her making a range of different sounds. I tried getting it on video but as soon as she saw the camera she stopped.

But the best news today is that she can say Mummy properly. No Mummummumm. She has said it twice today so I know it was not a fluke the other day. Now does she actually need to say anymore???!

New Word

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