Saturday 25 April 2009


Tonight at dinner Mary asked as usual for food. She had beans on toast in front of her which apparently is not food. We gave her the remains of herr lunch, which had been refridgerated, ham and soft cheese on bread. She is signing good. Both thumbs up.

I sign "Lovely" (Thumb up on dominant hand and scrape your thumb across your chin, making a lovely type face)

Mary copied. And then repeated it when she started the next peice of bread.


  1. Great blog! I hope you'll consider adding it to the aggregator at Deaf Village ( -- we'd love to have you as part of our community!

  2. Thanks. How did you find it? Will check out deafvillage.

  3. Yes, I'm on deafvillage as well, Elizabeth and I are moderators and helped in developing it. There'a a bunch of kiddos w/hearing loss there, you'll love it. Confusion on my blog; yes, my son was never a candidate to have two ci's...until he got this crazy infection and needed a current CT scan. That showed otherwise, so after removal of that infected ci-he received two new ones. He's currently hearing bilaterally and loves it!!! Thank you for the comments.

  4. Mary is coming on well. Uncle Sean is very proud. xxx :D
